0Thursday. 30th [June 1881]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 June 1881 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Thursday. 30th [June 1881]. I went off into the wood after breakfast & dug up a few fern roots for the rockery & soon the Genl. got interested & came to help me and getting some boys to assist we had some large stones carried & made a fresh bed up against the front door steps. Then we went to the river bank & got a lot of green sods full of oak ferns & made one green slope of it. This took us all the morning to do & was very hot work & gave us an appetite for lunch. After lunch the Genl. went off fly fishing & Monty took Henry & me out sea fishing. We found a very small boat prepared for us so we had to row round into the Fjord to the village of Noste where we landed & went to the Grosshandler or general shop to try & buy the stuff of the country for a fishing skirt for me—but we were unsuccessful & so we got into a large flatbottomed boat prepared by John our fisherman & rowed out to fish. Henry was the first to catch a fish a good flounder—then we went on to try for cod & were a long time going from place to place until at last Monty took one which weighed 9½ lbs. a very good take– Then we tried for whiting but unsuccessfully altho’ we saw an old man fishing & he took several– We were just going to give up & return home, it being cold & getting late when I caught my first fish 2 at a time—whiting. We then returned home. The two fishermen rowed us up on the right bank of the river Monty pushing with an oar to help as the stream was very strong—& then they shot across the river & landed us where we were landed the first night. Happily Monty knew the way up to the house so we had no steeple chasing. We had just time to get ready & then it was dinner time. After dinner I played cribbage with Henry till bed time.

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