0Friday. 1st July [1881]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 July 1881 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Friday. 1st July [1881]. Breakfasted about 9 & then the General & I set to work to make our rockery and got John & the man to fetch us stones in a cart & earth and we had only finished one end by lunch. Helped Monty to collect the china & sort the bedroom sets. After lunch at 2 the Genl. went out sea fishing & returned in the eveng with a good cod– Monty went away in the carriole up to the Bridge to fish for salmon & when his carriole came back Henry & I took it and drove to the Lake about 4 miles off. We had to go about twice as far as the Bridge. When we got there a squall came on & we put on our mackintoshes but it blew so that it was not easy. An old woman kindly put down her hoe & came to help us– The Lake is very prettily nestled in under the mountains which come down sheer & have a good deal of snow on them. It seemed as tho’ the lake were narrow & winding. As we got near home we saw Monty on a little island in the middle of the river & called to him to ask him what he had done. He said that he had had one rise & we went on home. Wrote up my journal & read till dinner at 8. Monty went back to the river to fish & the Genl. also went to the pools close by. Henry & I played cribbage till 11 & we went to bed before Monty came in.

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