0Tuesday. 16th [August 1881]—En route to Turin
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 August 1881 — En route to Turin
Tuesday. 16th [August 1881]. We arrived at Culoz soon after 8 & had to change into another car– Had our coffee there. At Aix les Bains nearly all the passengers in the car got out so the conducteur told us we might exchange our 2 seated places for a 4 seated one—so we were very comfortable. We lunched at Modane abt 1 & then went on to Turin—read slept—& played cribbage. It was very hot & oppressive all the way from Culoz & I got a headache so that as soon as we got to Turin we went to the Grand Hotel opposite the station & I had some tea & went to bed & was lulled by the music & screeching singing of a Cafe chantant in the gardens close by. Our luggage was examined at Turin instead of Modane—a new plan which only began from today. We had a lascia passare & so no trouble.

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