0Saturday. 20th August [1881]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 August 1881 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 20th August [1881]. Hard day’s work unpacking & putting things in order; lunched at one dined at 7 in the long gallery. Henry went in the afternoon to see Mr Rawdon Brown & was very much shocked at his appearance since his accident. He fell down a flight of stone steps in the night—cut his head & legs & broke his hand & in fact it is a miracle that he recovered. He says he found him up—very feeble and rather weak in the head always repeating the same thing. After dinner we went on the Piazza & there had a talk with Prince Teano whom we met just after landing. He is the head of the Italian Commission for the Geographical Congress & is here making all arrangements. Henry told him H.M. Govt had appointed him one of the Commissioners. We walked up & down with the Prince & then met Ct Finochetti the Govr of the Palace here– Came home at 10 & played cribbage for an hour. Very hot scirocco weather.

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