0Thursday. 6th October [1881]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 October 1881 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 6th October [1881]. Wrote letters &c in the morning till 1.30 lunch. Afterwards a visit from Mr & Miss Berkeley & Mr Bentinck. The latter stayed some time telling us of the wonderful bargains he had picked up here & was as objectionable in manner as ever tho’ I fancy he is a very good hearted man & of great use to Rawdon Brown. He told us he had had a great difficulty with R.B. these last few days. He said that R.B. told him that his conscience told him he ought to give something handsome to Toni his gondolier for nursing him in his illness & he wished to give him £1000. This Bentinck said he strongly resisted and he told R.B. that it would be useless & that he would thereby too much diminish his own income. After great discussion he persuaded him not to give more than 100 napoleons which advice R.B. took. We went out in the gondola & landed at Piazzetta & took a walk thro’ the streets for ½ hour returning to the Piazzetta we then went home. Henry had visits from Mr Tuckerman; & Mr Wallace—[a] gentleman he had stayed with in India 25 years ago. I pasted despatches till dinner time & again after dinner & finished the month of July 1877. Played cribbage & went to bed rather late–

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