0Saturday. 8th [October 1881]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 October 1881 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 8th [October 1881]. Wrote to Sir A. Otway. Heard from Lady Ely & Janet Ross. Visit from Mme Hegermann wife of Danish Minister at Rome. She is an American & was a Mrs Moulton. She sings splendidly. She said many kind things about wishing we had gone to Rome & stayed some time so that our lunch was late. It was a pouring wet day & I did not go out. Henry went & walked under the procuratie. I drew the portrait of Moronis wh I am going to copy but it soon got dark. Mrs Cyril Flower née Rothschild turned up on her way South. Afterward M. Hegermann called. Pasted despatches till dinner time. In eveng sat in boudoir as we hoped to have a visit from Lord Bury but he did not come. Played cribbage. Went up & read till bedtime.

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