0Friday. 21st October [1881]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 October 1881 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 21st October [1881]. Weather worse than ever & it was very dark all day. Had singing lesson of Pucci. Came up to studio & there found Spence & Cortelazzo & Spence began my portrait but Cortelazzo said he wanted to return home & begged me to go on with his bust so I worked away till abt 4– Henry went to see the Burys after lunch & came back & gave Spence another sitting. I cleaned up the studio & had just done when Ld & Ly Bury came upstairs to take leave. I asked her to take a parcel home for me wh she said she would do. Miss Thesegêr came to call with her friend Miss Walker. I spent from 5 till 8 dinner time in finishing copying a despatch for Henry. Singing in eveng & cribbage.

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