0Sunday. 1st January 1882—Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 January 1882 — Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
Sunday. 1st January 1882. Breakfasted at 9.30. Walked to church thro’ the fields with Merthyr, Theo, Maria, Alice & Richard. We all of us stayed to the Holy Communion. It began to rain as we walked home & got very cold & windy so we did not go out again. After lunch I shewed Merthyr the Battersea enamels I had brought to sell Theo so he bought them & presented them to her himself. Lady Westminster kindly gave me a large gold locket with turquoises in it. She gave a silk gown to Alice. I went & sat in the library with Henry & wrote a heap of letters till T time & then went upstairs to my room & wrote again till dinner at 7.30. After dinner we sat & talked till prayers in the long gallery at wh all the household was assembled. We began with Evening hymn & then Merthyr read a prayer. We then finished the evening by singing a lot of hymns ancient & modern till bed time at 11 & then retired to rest.

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