0Monday. 2nd January [1882]—Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 January 1882 — Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
Monday. 2nd January [1882]. Merthyr went out hunting. Theo stayed at home. Wrote letters & sat talking with Maria & Henry in the library and then left Henry to write alone & went to Merthyr’s study till lunch. After lunch Theo: drove to Sherborne Castle in her phaeton & took me with her. The waggonette followed with Henry, Maria, Rd & Alice. We did not find the Digbys at home so we merely left cards & drove home. I changed places with Henry & returned in the waggonette. It was cold & dreary. The castle is an interesting house inside, built in the form of an H. It was first built for Sir Walter Raleigh & then it past to the Kerr family & so to the Digbys. We returned home by tea time. Afterwards I went up to my room & wrote letters. Dined at 7.30. Capt. Medlycott & Mr Tod came to dine & sleep. 2 Mr Smiths & Capt. & Mrs Luttrell also dined. We assembled in the large new drawing room & were solemn. Whist was played. It blew hard all night.

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