0Saturday. 7th January [1882]—Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 January 1882 — Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
Saturday. 7th January [1882]. Merthyr & Theo went out hunting. Luff returned to Blandford & Henry & I took leave of dear old Lady Westminster & returned to London by the 1.35 express from Templecombe. Jerry joined us there from Milton & we went to Savile Row & settled ourselves down for good. We arrived abt 3 found Mrs Austin waiting to see us. She said Blanche had gone down to see Connie & would come & see me at tea time which she did. I expected Arthur to come & dine but he did not come. I found on my table a letter I had written in August to Arthur’s daughter Mildred at the same time forwarding a box from her old Governess Mrs Passmore which Mildred had left on my table. The box & the unopened note were on my table. Outside the note was written in Adelines hand “returned by Mrs Arthur Guest, 19th Aug. 1881.” This seemed to me to be a gratuitous insult & quite uninvited on my part.

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