0Saturday. 21st January [1882]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 January 1882 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 21st January [1882]. Breakfasted at 9. Alice & I worked at the chair covers till 12—then we went out in the brougham to Mansfield St. I stayed talking with Mrs Hambro while Alice went off to do some shopping & then she fetched me & we went home to lunch. I found Mr & Mrs Rassam waiting & I was under the impression that they had given up the idea of coming to lunch with us as they originally had intended– They left at 2.30 & at ¼ to 3 Henry, Alice & I walked to St James’ Hall to hear the Sat’s. Popular Concert. Unluckily I had a headache so did not enjoy it much. Mlle Marie Krebbs played the piano but the performance was not very remarkable. A Mr Barrington Foote sang bass songs going down to his heels for a note every now & then– Piatti played a piece of Schuman with Miss Krebbs wh was the best piece of the concert. The concert pieces were more or less weakly played & wanting in sacred fire. We walked home at 5. Carrie Somes called. After tea Alice & I worked at the chair covers. Mr Gayangos came to call & sat a long time chatting about Spain– I spoke to him abt the old map Mme Pilat at Venice wants to sell. He promised to see what he cd do. We went to dine at 8 Onslow Gardens & took Alice with us. Mr Burton was there. I could not eat. Afterwards I went up & sat with Connie & had the hot water bottle to my feet & a cup of tea. We went home at 11.

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