0Tuesday. 21st February [1882]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 February 1882 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 21st February [1882]. Shrove Tuesday. Down at 10. Went below stairs to order dinner. Talked with Monty. Worked the machine. After lunch I drove out at 2.30 & called for Blanche who came out with me. We went to Lady Ely who was out. We went to the Tennysons & found them at home. Mrs T. on her sofa—Hallam dancing attendance. Lady Agatha Russell was there & after came Mrs Ward (late Sir J. Simeon’s daughter) & Mr Locker. The Laureate appeared with his right arm & hand tied up & we were told he had the gout—he grumbled out that it was not proper gout—but Hallam declared it was. It was nearly 4 & Blanche & I rose to go at wh he said he had hardly seen us & begged us to stay but we resisted as we had to go on to Kensington Palace to write our names on Pss Mary of Cambridge & Pss Louise. I then left B at the Ken: Museum & she went to the Bach Choir practice. I went to call on Lady Rawlinson whose day it was. I got home by 5. Made Henry some cigarettes. Edward & Blanche dined with us. It was such a close eveng that we sat some time by an open window.

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