0Friday. 3rd March [1882]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 March 1882 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 3rd March [1882]. I walked out in the morning to Mansfield St to see Susan’s cook & offered to take her permanently. She demurred as to coming & wants a bigger place. Blanche took me from there in her brougham. I left her at the dentist then went & paid a flower bill for her & then home. Found Mrs Austin (Temmie) waiting for me on my return & she stayed & lunched with us. At 3 I went in brougham & fetched Blanche & drove with her. We left some cards &c—& I took her home by 4.30 as she was going out of town till Monday. We had a dinner party at home this eveng. Miss Hogarth, Mr & Mrs J. Bruce, Mr Ffrench, Maria & Richard & Mr & Mrs John Murray, Capt. Eliot, Monty with ourselves 12 in all. We had a pleasant eveng & sat talking till nearly 12.

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