0Saturday. 8th April [1882]—Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 April 1882 — Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
Saturday. 8th April [1882]. Sat in the morning room with Lady Westminster. Hill went away to Dawlish to stay with her mother. Merthyr better & down to luncheon. As I am ordered to rest my knee I did not go out. Wrote several letters, fed Lady Westminster’s frogs—one of whom we found dead. After tea Merthyr came & sat in the boudoir with me & Maria till dinner time & gave us a lecture against the use of tea which he declares to be very unwholesome. He dined down with us & he, Henry, the Dr & Lady Westr played whist in the evening. I taught Maria cribbage.

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