0Thursday. 27th April [1882]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 April 1882 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 27th April [1882]. I telegraphed to ask Alice Du Cane to come up & go with us to the opera tonight. Monty lunched at home. Prince Cariati came to call just after lunch & sat some time with us. We went out soon after 3. Went to call on Lady Eastlake whom we found at home. Revd Robinson & his wife were calling & seemed very pleasant people. Lady E. seemed very well and lively. Miss Lewin (Mrs Gates’ niece) was staying with her. From here we went to the dentist—& I went on to see my mother. She was all in her best having just returned from seeing the wedding of the D. of Albany at Windsor & she was then going on to a musical party at Mrs Morisons. At 5 I went to T at Mrs Gerard Leigh in her lovely house 18 Grosvenor Sqr. She received me most kindly & invited me & Henry to lunch with her on Sunday. Her house was decorated by Adams for Fred P. of Wales & has very beautiful stucco ornaments—& she has lovely things & beautiful furniture. Alice arrived just in time to dress for dinner. We dined at ¼ 7 & went to Covent Garden Opera. Heard Lucia di Lammermoor in which Mme Sembrich sang. It was nothing wonderful. Her voice tho’ in tune & well taught. We got home by 11 & had some tea all together in my bedroom.

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