0Wednesday. 3rd May [1882]—3 Savile Row
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3 May 1882 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 3rd May [1882]. Did accounts & wrote letters. Arthur Layard came to call & took Monty Eliot out with him. Constance came to see me & brought me a present of a carriage bag. Susie St Quintin came to lunch with us. Alice Du Cane also came to lunch from Langham House where she is staying– Alice left us yesterday & Monty Eliot came in her place. I sent Monty E off to the Zoos with Jerry. At 3 Sir Henry Thompson came to see me to talk about my knee. He agrees with Paget that I am suffering from gout & fluid in the joint that it is of no use lying up but he recommended me to wear an elastic bandage & he brought me one & put it on for me. He says I must continually wear it as a support. Abt 3.30 Blanche called for me in her victoria & took me out driving. We called on Nety Montague who has been ill & is still in her room on the sofa. We went on to tea with Connie & stayed some time with her. Mama & Alice came there & told us they heard that Arthur had been ill with low fever since he had got to America. Blanche left me at home abt 6. Henry & I went to dine at Langham House & met Sir C. & Lady Dickson, Mr & Mrs Clark, Maria & Richard, Mr R. Welby, Mr Cartwright of F.O., Prince Cariati. Mr Clark took me to dinner & Richard sat on my right & we had a great deal of family talk together. After dinner Henry & I went on to Gladstones where the P. of Wales had been dining. There was not a very large party & it was rather a stiff one– I saw Sir Arthur Otway there & several people one knew– We went on to the Speakers’ where there were a good many people & we got home just as midnight.

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