0Tuesday. 16th May [1882]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 May 1882 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Tuesday. 16th May [1882]. We breakfasted abt 9.30 & sat & talked in the library. Mr Rate did not come down till past 11 when Henry went & sat with him. Alice Rate & I went in the garden & picked flowers for me to carry up to town & then we set off in the carriage to catch the 12.12 train to Victoria. We found we had to change at Epsom & we had a slow train. However we got to Savile Row at abt ¼ to 2. Had some luncheon. Henry went out directly after to the dentist. Blanche called to see me & wanted to take me out but I was too tired & had a headache & had to keep on the sofa. However later Edward came to see me & we had a long talk over the late terrible events. He seemed very much depressed—& seemed to think with Sir J. Lubbock that Gladstone’s health wd not carry him on much longer & that he cd not go thro’ another session. Edward even expressed a wish that Gladstone & Chamberlain would both go. Henry & I dined quite alone– Played crib & went very early to bed.

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