0Tuesday. 27th June [1882]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 June 1882 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Tuesday. 27th June [1882]. Breakfasted in bed. Got up about 11. Laid on sofa in dining room & read. Sat with Monty trying to teach him how to paint in watercolors wh considering I know little or nothing about it was presumptuous. Dined at 4. Afterwards drove Henry in the carriole to the Lake. Just as we turned to come home met Lord Rowton & Monty who had walked there so we turned back with them & went back to the lake. When we got to Fagerslet Ld R. went down to fish & the rest of us came home. Played cribbage with Henry– Supper—bed– Siemonsen went to Hunde.

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