0Wednesday. 28th June [1882]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 June 1882 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Wednesday. 28th June [1882]. Wrote letters for the post. The steamer came in abt 12 o’cl– All the Monties went down to fetch the bags. I wrote to Ly West, Arthur, Giovanni & the Mother. I got letters from Blanche, Maria &c. I made Henry’s tobacco up into cigarettes for him & there were 130. Dined at 4 after dinner I made water biscuits and Monty & Ld Rowton helped me & made much fun. He set to work to water the garden with Bertie I mean the kitchen garden & his servant to help. Maurice was not well & we sent him to bed over at the farm where the servants sleep this year. When biscuits & gardening were done we all went down to the bank to have a cast but the river was too high. Henry went to Friswold to fish but came back to supper without having caught any.

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