0Sunday. 2nd July [1882]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 July 1882 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Sunday. 2nd July [1882]. Spent the day reading &c & doddling abt. It was a very fine morning. Old Ericson the dirty old fisherman whom Lord Rowton christened the Marques of Stink pots returned to the valley & came to see us & engaged to take me out fishing in the eveng at 3.30. So directly after dinner I dressed & went out with Bertie on the fjord. I caught a 5 lb. cod & that is the only fish we got. The steamer arrived abt 8.30 & we came home to get our letters. We found Monty had been fishing on the bank & had lost 2 fish– One because he had no one to gaff him till it was too late. I went down to the Lower bank & cast for ½ hour– Lord Rowton went to Friswold & brought in a 23 lb. salmon & a trout. Henry went to Bjornes & did ditto. We had a cheerful supper. It is curious that Henry caught his first fish last year also on 2nd July.

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