0Thursday. 6th July [1882]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 July 1882 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Thursday. 6th July [1882]. It blew hard nearly all day & was overcast. I made a sketch of our drawing room & began to paint it. At abt 11 Monty came in to say they were going to net the bank pool & I & Bertie went down to see it but they were so long preparing that I gave it up & returned to my painting. They only caught one fish a 10 lb. trout. Abt 2 we all went down to Lower Kjespool to see it netted & 2 salmon one 23 lb. & the other 13 lb. I was quite sorry they caught them. Henry & I walked home together & had Strax the dog with us. We dined at 5. Wrote after dinner & played cribbage with Henry. Still blustering weather. Monty & Ld Rowton went fishing. I & Henry took a little walk on the bank & then Henry had a few casts but the wind was too high & he flipped off his fly & so we came home to supper. Another blank day.

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