0Wednesday. 12th July [1882]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 July 1882 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Wednesday. 12th July [1882]. Cloudy morng. I went down to the bank to cast after breakfast & then came home & painted till dinner. The post came in but brought me no letters. At dinner Lord Rowton announced that some friends of ours had arrived by the steamer & were coming to call at 8. We guessed in vain & he told us it was Mr & Mrs Barrington Kennett! on their way to fish with some friends. Monty & I went to Friswold to fish together. We went first to Kjespool & got into the boat together Thorwald rowed us. He took Strax the dog down with us & when we rowed away he was very anxious to go with & finally plunged into the river & followed us. He was carried down stream & finally landed on the opposite bank where he remained while we fished. I fished for some time & at last got tired & gave up to Monty. I had scarcely done so when Monty got a trout. He allowed me to play him & land him. He weighed 4½ lb. After that we went on fishing & Monty fished as it was too hard for me. At Fagerslet when it was rather rough Strax suddenly came swimming across to the islands & we had to take him in the boat & I held him to keep him still. A salmon took Monty but got off at once. After that we had no more. At Poolen Monty got on shore & I fished fm the boat—then he landed me at Syltebo’s rest & I went up to see if the Kennetts had come to supper wh they had not, & Monty finished fishing his beat but got nothing. Went to bed abt 1. I wrote to invite the Kennetts to come to breakfast tomorrow.

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