0Saturday. 15th July [1882]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 July 1882 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Saturday. 15th July [1882]. I set to work to make myself a fly book of green baize & one for Monty & it was nearly one before I had finished– Then Bertie & I walked down to Poolen where I began to cast. John came to fetch us home to luncheon so we had to leave. It was very hot walking in the sun. After lunch sat & read & then Henry went out fishing– Bertie & I went to Poolen again & cut down some of the high bushes wh interfered with my casting. I cast the pool & we then returned home. I found Ld Rowton having some tea so I also had some & then went down to the Bank to cast. Ld Rowton allowed me to try his rod & Monty coming up at the moment they gave me some lessons in casting & to my surprise & delight I found I cd manage it & was able to put out a good line. Henry came home having caught a 13 lb. fish. We dined at 8. Played cribbage with Henry. All the servants set off to walk up the sæter. When they were gone Henry & I walked down to the boat house to see the high spring tide wh was quite up to the boat house close to the road. Monty, Bertie & Ld R. were there & amused themselves throwing ducks & drakes at wh Bertie carried off the palm. It was curious when I came home to see the house all open the linen all out the wash house unlocked &c &c & not a soul abt to take care of anything & no one thinking of shutting even a door. It was a fine warm day but the wind rose after we had gone to bed.

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