0Tuesday. 18th July [1882]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 July 1882 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Tuesday. 18th July [1882]. Monty got a telegram from Merthyr rumours of dissolution. It was cloudy & rainy & a good fishing day. We all went out fishing. I went to cast at the bank & hooked a small trout but being alone I cd not land it. After shouting in vain for help I lost it. I then went & stood with Monty while he fished the rest. Henry got a fish at Gredhus & we all ran to the top of the bank to see him get it—it turned out to be a 11 lb. salmon & he had lost another & risen two more– We dined at 4. At 6 Henry & I set off for Hunde & fished there. Henry began to fish & I sat in the boat. He soon caught a large sea trout of 8 lbs. & then hooked another fish but lost it. We had not gaff & so Swari threw himself on the fish & landed it with his hands– After Henry had fished an hour I fished—had several rises but caught nothing. The river was too high Swari said– We were returning to our carriole & I trolled on the way when I hooked a little trout of 1 lb. weight & then we returned home no one else had got any fish– Monty came in very late. I had a candle to undress by for the first time since we came to Norway as it was a very cloudy night.

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