0Sunday. 20th August [1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 August 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 20th August [1882]. Very hot day. Alice went off to church with Hill but came back saying there was no English service till Septr. I read in my own room nearly all day. Alice & Henry went out in the afternoon. Mr Rawdon Brown came to see me at 2 o’cl. Feeble but head pretty clear. He wears a beard wh alters him a good deal. Dined at 6.30. There was a serenade at 7 & we went out in the gondola & followed it & came home when it had been down to the station & back to the Giardinetto. It lighted a good deal & the air was stormy.

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