0Saturday. 9th September [1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 September 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 9th September [1882]. Lesson of Mme Bontempelli. The upholsterer brought back the chairs we gave him to cover for the drawing rooms. Pasted despatches. Alice read aloud. Directly after lunch Henry & Alice went off to the Ducal Palace & the gondola came back to me. I went & waited for them at the Piazzetta. We then went to Clerle about the flowers I want to buy of him for transferring to my big curtain. To the Venezia Murano. Alice & I went home. Henry went to see Mr Brown. I pasted while Alice read. Dinner at 7. Went out in gondola afterwards & met the boat full of Neapolitan singers. Turned & followed them to the Rialto. They remained singing some time under the bridge & then went back. We followed them to the Hotel d’Europe where we left an invitation to dinner for Comte de Mas Latrie & then returned by the small canals leaving a note for Css Marcello, home. Cribbage.

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