0Tuesday. 12th September [1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 September 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 12th September [1882]. Lesson in Italian. Mr Eastlake came at 11 to see our pictures. Planted the bulbs sent me from England by Mrs Rate. There was a heavy shower of rain in the morning & scirocco weather. Lunch at one. Visit from Ricardo Madrazo & I took him up to the studio & showed him things I was doing. At the same time Mr Brown came to see Mrs Burr. Then came Mr Malcolm who it appears has been back since Sunday morning. Afterwards Henry, Mrs Burr & I went to Murano to see the works at the new Glass works & made acquaintance with Signor Rolandi & his wife—& boy of 12. We went over the buildings wh are in progress & to the garden. The garden originally belonged to the Mocenigo family & had a pretty little house attached to it with painted ceilings. The garden has vines & pergolas all in a bad state but capable of being made very nice & an orangery wh could easily be made use of. We paid Sra Rolandi a visit & heard their boy play the piano wh he did in a most astounding manner. His little hands seemed to grasp the keys & to thunder out the music & he did not play without taste & kept most perfect time. Mrs Rolandi conducted me abt the house in the old Italian style taking hold of me under the armpit & so handing me about. The family is Tuscan & they speak with a strong accent. Home to tea—sat talking till dinner time. I had a headache nearly all day. After dinner Henry & Alice went out in gondola. Mrs Burr & I sat up in the studio. When Henry returned we played cribbage.

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