0Thursday. 21st September [1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 September 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 21st September [1882]. It was a very bad night & thundered nearly all night long. Henry did not sleep what with that & his rheumatism so at 7 I got up & left him to sleep till 10 when he got up. I then dressed & he sat to me for his medallion & I made a good deal of progress in it & worked till lunch. Today it was garbin wind & was a lovely day, sunshine & a lovely air. Henry did not go out. Mrs Burr, Alice & I went out. The first thing was Beppi’s hat was carried off by the wind & we had to come back to get a dry one. We then went to leave a message at the Glass stat. & to leave a book at Ongania’s. Then to the church of S. Giobbe to look at the Savoldo & Paris Bordone—the Tomb of Moro the Doge & the chapel by one of Robbia family. We went up the Canareggio outside in the Lagune to the railway station. It was blowing quite fresh & the mountains were all quite clear. At the station when we enquired abt the line from Milan they said it cd not arrive probably for 2 months as the Brenta bridge was now carried away. It appears it fell just after the train had passed over it. Lady Galway paid me a long visit & was very entertaining but we had a great discussion abt the Gregorys. She being furious with him for his defence of Araby P. last year & exaggerating all he had done– Fine moonlight eveng but no one went out & we played cribbage & read Sanuto up in the studio. We have now had no letter since Saty’s from Paris– We hear from Vienna that the Gregorys will be here tomorrow night from Vienna. I telegraphed to Arthur to tell him he cd get by train to Vicenza from there by boat & carriage to Dolo & so here by train.

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