0Friday. 29th September [1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 September 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 29th September [1882]. I did not go out but remained to be quiet & paste despatches. Cortelazzo came to breakfast & afterwards we sat talking in the drawing room he, the Gregorys, Arthur & Mrs Burr & I. He showed them the copper silvered bacile & vase he had to sell wh had been left in the house for a year. She gave him £45 for it. Arthur went out with Giovanni to the old shops. Cortelazzo dined here—after dinner all went out but Mrs Burr & myself. Arthur went to the station to make last enquiries as to the train. He found he must leave at 7 tomorrow morng. I bid him goodbye as I should not be up to see him off. I spent the afternoon in Lady G’s room talking to her whilst she lay down.

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