0Monday. 23rd [October 1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 October 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 23rd [October 1882]. Mr Ball left us at 8.30 to return to Genoa to meet Mrs Ball. I did not go out but worked hard all day at pasting despatches for Henry. Alice & Mildred went to work for inundated at the Hurtados & came back very anxious to go & buy more stuff for that object & they got Hill to go with them & did not return till nearly 7. At 4 Mme Hurtado came to see me to tell me how she had collected 400 fcs at the English service yesterday—a gentleman had also sent her £50—a lady had taken off her cloak to send—another had sent two of her nice gowns. In eveng Mildred & Alice sang a little & then Henry & I played cribbage & I won 7 games straight off–

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