0Friday. 17th November [1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 November 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 17th November [1882]. Henry woke with a headache so he did not get up till 11. Mrs Bracken came in the morning to see my modelling; as it was gone I agreed to meet her at Felici’s this afternoon & show it her– So at 3 I went off after waiting to receive Mr Horatio Brown who called– I was a few minutes before the Brackens & waited for them & they went all over Felici’s studio & saw the bas reliefs in execution wh are being made for the Franchetti Palace staircase. I then proposed taking them to Biondetti’s to see the rest of the staircase. We spent some time there & then went to Trapolin’s where we ordered silks to cover furniture & then home & I gave them tea & then sent them back to their hotel in our gondola. Gino Marcello came to tea & sat talking some time. Wrote some letters. Played harmonium after dinner. Cribbage.

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