0Wednesday. 13th December [1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 December 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 13th December [1882]. Got up at 7 to see Maria, Alice & Louis off. They left by 9.5 train for Milan & then Henry & I found ourselves alone for the first time since we left London in August and we were not sorry altho’ we missed Maria. I spent the morning in tidying up my rooms—writing & reading began “La Jeunesse de Mme d’Epinay” lent me by Mr Curtis. After lunch went out in gondola with Henry. We went to walk in the Piazza after having stopped a few minutes at Guggenheim’s & he kindly lent me 2 copies of Longhi’s to copy on the reverse of my fan. We met P. Metternich in the Piazza & also Olga who was with her sister & brother in law (Mecklenburgs) who are here for a few days. We came home at 4. I practised the harmonium and recd a visit from the Pss of Montenegro, widow of the murdered Prince Daniel– She is amusing & bright—a Triestine—but not very distinguée in appearance. Just as we were going to dinner got a note from Mme Pilat saying she was not well eno’ to come & play this eveng so I went off to beg Mme Canevaro to try & find Trombini wh she happily did—& we had some very pleasant music with him & Dini & Css Canevaro sang charmingly. Css Marcello & Gino, Css Hoyas, Mme Canevaro & Mlle Cozzi & Prince Metternich. This was all our party & we kept it up till past 12.

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