0Friday. 15th December [1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 December 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 15th December [1882]. Got up at 8 & breakfasted in Henry’s room at 8.30. Spent the morning in making a sketch from the copies of the Longhis lent me by Guggenheim for my fan. Lunched at 1. Abt 2 Guggenheim came to see Henry to ask him to find out about a monument in granite that is to [be] erected here to the soldiers who helped in the late inundations. Henry & I went out at 2.30 to Trapolins & thence walked to the Piazza & by the Riva degli Schiavoni to the Via Garibaldi to find the china factory of Planchiet. It was a poky little out of the way place. We found Mr P. himself at work superintending the arranging of his furnace. It is a small thing as yet but he hopes to enlarge it. We walked back to S Biagio & found the gondola there—got into it & went to the Stabto & then to Guggenheim’s. He lent me more copies of Longhi’s for my fan– Home– Tea—practised harmonium. Read till dinner. Finished “La jeunesse de Mme Epinay” & became more than ever disgusted with Rousseau– Cribbage–

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