0Sunday. 17th December [1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 December 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 17th December [1882]. Read &c all morning. After lunch went out in gondola with Henry to Piazza where we took a walk. We found Tombola going on for benefit of the Innondati & the band playing. There was a large square wooden erection in the centre of the piazza. When a trumpet sounded from one of the windows of the houses a number was shown to the people & marked on the wooden erection. Four men stood up on high chairs & bawled out the numbers in different parts of the square. There seemed no excitement & there was not much crowd. From the Piazza I went to call on Pss Dolgorouky but she was not well & did not receive– Then to Pss Metternich whom I found at home. She is living at Palazzo Bembo & has made her appartment very pretty. As a man was tuning the piano she took me into her bedroom next the drawing room—gave me tea & was pleasant. She was very amusing abt her husband being a “cadet” but that “tout cela me reviendra un jour, tableaux et beaucoup de belles chores” speaking of the eldest brother’s possession. Henry did not go in to see her but walked home– I went on to Pss of Montenegro’s & found a good many people calling—but the rooms were so hot I thought of nothing but how to get away. Came home to tea. Mme Canevaro, Mlle Cozzi & P. Metternich came to tea & stayed a long time chatting. Then came Mme & Mlle Hurtado & then Andriana Marcello & when they left it was nearly 7. After dinner we went to Andriana’s & found a few people amongst them Css Brandolin who was come to settle in town—there were a few men– We came home early.

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