0Saturday. 6th [January 1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 January 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 6th [January 1883]. Had a cold & did not go out. Worked on wax model & got very tired at stooping over it. After lunch Henry went out. I traced the pattern of my fan on to the skin & finished it just as it began to be dark 4.30 & Henry came home. Had tea downstairs. Practised harmonium. Dined 7.30. Went at 9 to spend evening with Brandolins. Css B.’s father & mother were there—M. Mss d’Adda– When last I saw Mme Dadda she was bedridden & had been so for 15 years & all at once she recovered & can now even walk upstairs. The Canevaros were there, Css Julia Persico & Ct Geno. There was great discussion abt Andriana’s having gone this eveng to dine with D. Carlos & his wife—especially as D. Carlos had never paid her a visit or left a card. It appears she cd not resist the Royalty. We came home rather late.

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