0Sunday. 7th January [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 January 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 7th January [1883]. Read in the morning. At 12 Sr Felici came to look at my wax model & showed me how to manage to work it. It was a bright but cold day. After lunch Henry & I went out in the gondola to Piazzetta– Landed & walked for ½ hour up & down. The band played but it was so cold we gladly came home. I practised the harmonium for an hour & then went out again to Mme Hurtado’s where I found a great many people. I heard that Andriana did not go after all last night to D. Carlos’ on acct of his not having called on her—so we had wronged her last night. I came home & was sitting reading over my tea in the drawing room when Andriana, Mme Canevaro & Mlle Cozzi came & stayed talking some time. We went to spend the eveng at Andrianas & Henry played whist. It was very hot & rather dull there.

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