0Monday. 15th January [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 January 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 15th January [1883]. I painted my fan all the morning. After lunch went with Henry to Murano to see how the Vetreria was getting on and came back by abt 4.30. Pss Olga de Montenegro came to try over some piano & harmonium duetts. We were interrupted by a visit from Princess Windischgratz Olga Mocenigo’s step mother & Pss Adini Olga’s sister in law. She is a tall handsome woman (the mother), Adini on the contrary plain & short & older than Olga– When they left we resumed our practising & went on till nearly 7. Henry went to the Concert at the Liceo Benedetto Marcello for the Innondati. I went to Css Brandolins & had tea with them & Mme d’Adda & we were joined by Css Brandolin & went on to Css Valmarana’s where there were a good many people—a good many of whom came on from the concert. Brandolins brought me home abt 12.30. I found Henry already gone to bed.

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