0Friday. 2nd March [1883]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 March 1883 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 2nd March [1883]. Henry & I drove down to the S. Kensington Museum to see Sir P. Cunliffe Owen. He being engaged we went to see the Jones Collection which has lately been bequeathed by Mr Jones the tailor. Blanche came to tea & Alice Du Cane to dine & sleep. I went to Conduit St with Blanche to buy some moss & on my return Alice & I arranged the dinner table & put up the flowers wh brought us to dressing time. Sir C. & Lady Dickson, Annie & Hallam Murray, Arthur Burr, Arthur (my brother), Connie & Charlie & Alice made up our party & we were very merry. Annie sang in the evening & Connie played & we had a pleasant evening.

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