0Monday. 26th [March 1883]—Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 March 1883 — Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
Monday. 26th [March 1883]. Easter Monday. As the meet was not very far off it was proposed that we should go to it. Richard, Dr Wiblin, Bertie (who hunted) & little Izzy & I went in the waggonette. The meet was at the kennels & we had to wait while Merthyr took Dr W. to see a sick huntsman. It was bitterly cold & there was no scent. We got out & walked a little way over the down to see the sport & at last the whole thing drifted away from us & we lost sight of it. We were thinking of going again in search when they all turned up again not having found. It then began to snow hard & we, having no umbrellas, had to cover ourselves with rugs &c & set off home– But the snow made all the country white & it was very cold. Suddenly the snow ceased & a brilliant sunshine succeeded. It was so fine that as we passed Ven we determined to stop & call on Capt. Medlycott who is ill with some pressure on the brain & is under the care of his sister Mrs Strode. The house is a curious comfortable sunny quaint place with a large conservatory attached to the drawing room. After spending ¼ hour there we set off home & were again caught in a snow shower & were glad to get home & get warm & get lunch. It was fine again in the afternoon & Luff came over to see us but did not remain the night as he had to return to his mother in law’s funeral. Capt. Medlycott & his sister came over to T. He is supposed to be better & is under Dr Wiblin’s care but he is much changed in a year. There were at dinner Mr & Mrs Edwards the curate & wife. They both sang in the evening & so did Merthyr & I.

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