0Thursday. 5th [April 1883]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 April 1883 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 5th [April 1883]. Kitty & I walked to see our brother Arthur in the morning & sat with him some time talking of her boy Augustus’ prospects in America. From there we went in a hansom to Langham House to see Mama & so back home to lunch. We found Miss Hoste with Nelly & she lunched with us & Arthur also came to lunch. Kate & Nelly returned to Holdenby by afternoon train. I went out in afternoon & called on Mrs Burr & on to see Connie. We dined with Sir Wm & Lady Gregory & met there Mr Clare Ford, Miss Eager (a new Irish beauty with dark hair & killing eyes), Mr & Mrs Eustace Smith, the Burrs & had pleasant evening.

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