0Friday. 6th April [1883]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 April 1883 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 6th April [1883]. Sir Wm Gregory came to lunch. Henry drove with me in the brougham. Called on Lady Eastlake but cd not see her; went on to Mrs Austen & sat with her for a little while—then I dropped Henry at the Nat. Gallery & went on to shop & got home at 5 to tea. We found Mrs Austen looking ill & being very confused in her head, & a good deal altered since the death of her sister. Mr Rate came to call so I took him out to see Henry & I went off to Clifford’s Hotel to see Lady Ely whom I found at home. She was very nice & kind & said the Queen had felt very much for Henry in his late treatment & that had it not been for her accident she had intended asking us to dine at Windsor to shew her sympathy. She begged me to persuade Henry not to leave England just yet & told me to cheer up to hope things would improve. Blanche & Edward, Arthur & Sir Arthur Otway dined with us. Monty also arrived from Altershot just in time to dine also. In the evening Squire Burr turned up for a game of cribbage.

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