0Sunday. 15th [April 1883]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 April 1883 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 15th [April 1883]. When Hill came in in the morng she said the little housemaid had measles—so we sent for Dr Fuller & I did not go to church but Temmy & I sat at home to hear the result. He came & pronounced it only false or German measles. Monty came in to the drawing room & sat & talked some time. After lunch Mr Spottiswood called– After tea Temmy & I walked up to Blanche’s to get a little air. B was out so we walked back again & in Hanover Sqr met B & the children so Temmy went home & I turned back with B & went to her house & walked home for dinner.

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