0Friday. 20th April [1883]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 April 1883 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 20th April [1883]. I walked to see Arthur in the morning to tell him we wanted him to get us a carriage for Tuesday to Dover as we were going to start for Venice. We had intended going for a tour in Germany & hearing that the Crown P. & Pss of Germany are going to Venice we determined to go there also. Arthur walked back to Savile Row with me. Alice & Maria came to lunch. I drove with Maria & we went to see Mama. Alice went with Henry to the Nat: Gallery. Mrs W. Hanson came to see me late & sat & talked to me for some time. I lay on the sofa feeling very unwell. When I went up to dress I found my face was all out in a tremendous rash and I feared I had caught the measles & did not like to go out to dinner so Henry went to Lady Burdett Coutts without me & I went to bed & sent for Dr Fuller. He came abt 11 & pronounced it a liver rash & sent me several potions & pills.

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