0Sunday. 6th May [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 May 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 6th May [1883]. Our cook decamped—ran away at 6 this morning & Giovanni had to go in search of another cook & we passed an anxious morning as to whether we shd get any food at all. At last came Giov: bringing with him Susanne Mrs Eden’s cook who came to speak with me abt another cook called Betta whom she said she had engaged for me– Giov. set to work to cook us some lunch & abt 1.30 we got some. We then went to Mme Hurtado’s & found her with a large luncheon party. I took her aside & asked her if she wd allow her cook Fragiacomo to come & cook our dinner for us as we expected Morelli by the train & must dine late. She agreed to dine at 6.30 & to send on her cook—& he undertook to cook for me on Tuesday when we are to have the Crown P. & Pss again. We then went on to Mrs Eden to say we cd not dine with them as Susanne had suggested. Mrs Eden went out with us & we walked from the Piazzetta to the Public Gardens– A band was playing there & there were a good many of the poorer class there enjoying themselves—the gardens were pretty & green & it was a fine afternoon. We met Mr Hamilton Aidé & Mr Ainslie Bean there & walked a little with them—got into gondola & took Mrs Eden to her home & then went to ours. Pss Windischgrätz & Pss Alexandrine came to tea—also Css Mocenigo St Stae & 2 girls & Idita Hurtado. Morelli arrived by 7.15 train. We did not dine till nearly nine as the cook cd not manage it earlier. At 10 Morelli went off to meet Ct Seckendorff at Florians to take the Pss’s orders for tomorrow. Henry & I played cribbage till he returned wh he did shortly & sat & talked till 11 when to bed.

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