0Friday. 11th May [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 May 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 11th May [1883]. A splendid day & the weather looked more settled. I did not go out. Henry went with the Egerton of Tattons to the Manfrin gallery. I sat at home, rested & wrote letters. Visits from Mme & Mlle Bentivoglio & later from the Brandolins & Curtis. Dined at 7 & went out after to the Piazza—band was playing—met Malcolm & walked with him– At 9 went to the Brandolins & Henry played écarté with Ninina & then we taught her cribbage. Ct Brandolin was out. Home at 11. I wrote to Lady Ely & to the Crown Princess.

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