0Thursday. 17th May [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 May 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 17th May [1883]. Idita came at 9.30 & took me out in the sandalo an hour– We went to Mrs Bronson’s & took her the Turkish work I have to sell. Practised guitar—read, worked. After lunch Idita & Miss Bronson came & Profr Negri & we had our guitar lesson at 3 I had to go off as we had arranged to meet Lady Marian Alford & party at S. Salvatore to see the Palla d’argento which they caused to be opened on purpose. It is gothic & very fine—a sort of triptych with figures in relief– The centre figures represent the Transfiguration. The heads are all surrounded with halos in green enamel. Went to leave some cards—to the Stab. & then home—very hot & oppressive. At 5 a visit from Sir Saml Baker who has just returned from Egypt & gave Henry the last news. Lady Sinclair & Miss St Clair came to see us & the latter especially came to consult Henry as to whether they shd go to Constantinople to try & get Rustem P. to apologise for his bad treatment of her. Henry strongly recommended her not to go wh she did not seem to like & probably will not follow his advice. One pitied poor Lady Sinclair who looked old & worn & seemed to want rest wh her daughter won’t let her have. Poor Miss St Clair is quite toquée on the subject of Rustem P & now her affection has turned to bitter hatred & she wishes to pursue & annihilate him. Marquesa Bassecourt called & sat some time talking. Dinner at 7. Went out in gondola—it was stormy looking & at 9 we went to Css Brandolin & a few drops of rain were falling. Henry played écarté with Ninina. I worked. Home at 11.

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