0Tuesday. 22nd May [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 May 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 22nd May [1883]. Had our guitar lesson. Miss Bronson & Idita came to it. Began to put up clay for a bust but had not time for much when Lady Sinclair & Miss St Clair came to lunch with us. I had a headache & cd not eat. They stayed on till 3. Miss St Clair showed Henry a lot of letters & talked much of her sorrows. The old Lady sat with me & lamented having to set off for Consple & seemed to her she wd not come back alive. Poor Miss St C cried bitterly & her mother expressed her fears that she wd end in having a brain fever. At 3 they left & Henry went to take Lady Marian Alford out to see St Marks. I laid down, read & slept till 5 when I went down to tea. Went for a little row in the evening & went for a little while to Lady Marian Alfords—then returned home early.

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