0Wednesday. 23rd [May 1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 May 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 23rd [May 1883]. Idita came to sit to me for her portrait but I had not finished putting up the clay at wh she helped me. Lady Marian came while we were at work & sat some time in the studio looking at lace & embroideries books &c. In afternoon I went out with Idita & her mother as Henry went to the station to meet the Bishop of Gibraltar who came to stay with us. He came at 4.17 from Bologna. The Hurtados & I went to the Public gardens to take a little walk. Came home to tea, found the Bishop arrived. Css Brandolin came to tea. We dined at 7 & afterwards took the Bishop for a row stopping at the Ca Dario for me to go in to ask Lady Marian if we were going to Burano on Friday wh she does not yet know.

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