0Thursday. 31st [May 1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 May 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 31st [May 1883]. Idita sat to me for a couple of hours in the morning for her bust & I sketched it out. After lunch Henry went to the Correr Museum to read some old letters they have there from a Mr Strange English Mins: Resident to the Republic abt some pictures he bought here & were subsequently lost at sea. Lady & Miss St Clair came to see me to say they were leaving tomorrow for Consple & sat some time telling over the old story. She said Rustem when first she knew him travelled in Europe with 2 cavasses besides servants. She seemed to think one reason he had drawn off the marriage with her was that he was previously married & the wife only lately died. I told her she was very lucky to have been saved such a dreadful fate. She said she was determined to get an apology & a declaration that they had been engaged as she was nettled at his having denied it. At 3 Henry came & fetched me. We went to the Piazzetta & from thence walked to the Via Garibaldi to see Planchiet’s pottery works. He had nothing new to show us. We walked back again going to the Piazza to buy a trifle for me to send Mrs Sandison at Consple by the Sinclairs. After I wrote some letters. Dinner at 7. Went out in gondola at 9 left notes. Went to Brandolins. Henry played écarté. I played cribbage. Home at 11–

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