0Sunday. 3rd June [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 June 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 3rd June [1883]. I went to the service in the morning & played the harmonium—a voluntary at the beginning, 2 hymns & voluntary during the offertory sentences. Mme Hurtado led the singing & it went very well. After lunch Henry went out. I was reading upstairs when a visit was announced & on going down I found to my delight Lord & Lady Bagot & Leila. They had arrived from Florence at 5 this morning. We made them stay to tea and then we took them to see the procession in the Canareggio. We had a long time to wait & saw it first from near the station. Then it turned & went back to the Canareggio & all the balconies were full of people & there were quantities of gondolas– We came home at 7 & dined & sent the Bagots back to their hotel. Abt 8 the serenata passed but as it was not yet dark it looked very ridiculous– After 9 we went to the Brandolins to see M. & Mme d’Adda. While sitting out on the balcony there we saw a splendid meteor sail majestically across the sky. It appeared to get larger & finally broke into 3 parts & disappeared. It was so large & bright that some thought it was a rocket. We took leave of the d’Addas who leave tomorrow & went home early.

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